U.S. meat exports sales have been up for two weeks in a row. The USDA says both beef and pork saw modest week-to-week increases during the week ending July 21st, continuing to bounce off the recent lows, with South Korea leading the way on beef and Mexico topping the...
Exports of Mexican beef grow by almost 20%
According to the Grupo Consultor de Mercados Agrícolas, in the first half of the year, all important destinations for Mexico increased their demand, ending the period with just over 180,000 tons and revenues of over 1,250 million dollars. Click here to read full note: https://www.elsiglodedurango.com.mx/noticia/2022/exportaciones-de-carne-de-res-mexicana-crecen-en-casi-20-impulsan-produccion-bufalina-en-sinaloa-y-baja-cali.html
Audit of Mexico to the bovine meat sanitary control system of Argentina
The headquarters of the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (Senasa) was the scene of the final meeting with the National Service for Agrifood Health, Safety and Quality (Senasica) of Mexico, which carried out a comprehensive audit of the production and processing system beef from Argentina with a view to opening that market. Click here...
Feedlots still in the red
Averaging in the mid $170s per hundredweight for the past seven weeks, fed prices continued to hover near annual highs last week. For the second half of July, this is the second highest price on record. Despite historically strong prices, feedlot margins remain in the red. Based on the...
NZ beef markets remain strong despite global uncertainty
Red meat farmers are set to get good returns this year, as beef and lamb markets remain strong amid global uncertainty. Westpac is forecasting farmgate beef and mutton prices to hit $7/kg and the farmgate lamb price to exceed $10/kg this season. Ckicn here to read full note: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/the-country/news/nz-beef-and-lamb-markets-remain-strong-despite-global-uncertainty-westpac-report/M57FZRNQUYQ6MR75ERPI4E6DLE/
Drought and inflation lower cattle exports
Chihuahua.- Due to the drought, inflation, exponential increase in input tariffs and the continuity of the average price abroad for a decade, the livestock sector faces the loss of an average 40 percent of the export livestock herd. Click here to read full note: https://www.eldiariodechihuahua.mx/local/sequia-e-inflacion-bajan-exportacion-de-ganado-20220727-1955422.html
Devastating US drought has strong implications for Australian beef industry
Extreme drought conditions sweeping large parts of the United States have serious implications for the Australian beef industry for at least the next year, participants in a recently-returned Nutrien livestock staff tour of North America found. Click here to read full the note: https://www.beefcentral.com/news/devastating-us-drought-has-strong-implications-for-australian-beef-industry-video/
Brazil awaits the opening of Japan for beef
A market that Brazilian meat exporters have been targeting for a long time, Japan said it is currently “working with the technicians responsible for the quarantines in Brazil and the Asian country in the process of releasing Brazilian meat imports.” Click to here read full note: https://rurales.elpais.com.uy/region/brasil-espera-la-apertura-de-japon-para-carne-bovina