
SEDARH will carry out a sweeping campaign in more than 200,000 head of cattle

The efforts to search for bovine tuberculosis disease, carried out by the Government of Change headed by Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, were extended to 20 municipalities, six in the Median zone and the rest in the Huasteca, to maintain the health status and quality of Export to the United States and other countries.

The head of the Secretariat of Agricultural Development and Hydraulic Resources (Sedarh), José Alfredo Pérez Ortiz, together with the director of Animal Health of this same unit, César Llamas Vega, announced that in 2023 there will be a sweeping campaign in more of 200,000 head of cattle, after cows with disease were detected in the municipality of Tamasopo and it was necessary to isolate the entire herd, so they will attend to nearby municipalities.

Click here to read full note: https://www.elsoldesanluis.com.mx/local/sedarh-realizara-campana-de-barrido-en-mas-de-200-mil-cabezas-de-ganado-bovino-9754022.html