
Producers Push Back on Beef Imports from Paraguay

Torrington, WY (Western Ag Network) December 27th, 2023 — On today’s Daybreak Ag Report from the Western Ag Network, Haylie Shipp talked with U.S. Senator John Tester (D-MT) about beef imports from Paraguay.

“In a milestone announcement, the Biden Administration announced last month that, as of December 14th, 2023, imports of beef from Paraguay would be accepted in the U.S.,” said Shipp. “It’s the first time in 25 years such a transport has been allowed from the South American country with historic foot-and-mouth disease struggles. Not on board is U.S. Senator from the State of Montana, John Tester.”

“They’re putting the whole industry at risk – because I do believe that’s the case. It doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever,” said Senator Tester. “We’re going to stop this – and we’ll do it in one of two ways. We’ll have an Act of Congress through a bill that I have, or we’ll do it through a Congressional Review Act. I just think this is bad policy. It doesn’t make any sense for the production of agriculture and it doesn’t make any sense for the consumer. It’s really a lose-lose situation.”
