“Carnita asada” in Sonora is made with Central American steaks
At the beginning of this month, the presence of beef from Nicaragua that is sold in Sonora , an entity that is among the top ten nationally in the production of this food, was denounced on social networks ; Despite this, it is estimated that 70% of the meat of this animal that is consumed in the entity comes from other latitudes.
Jesús Ancheta Molina, director of Marketing of the Regional Livestock Union of Sonora, explained to Expreso 17 that more than 25 years ago the arrival of Nicaraguan meat to that entity began , due to a trade agreement signed several years ago between Mexico and the Central American nation.

Click here to read full note: https://www.publimetro.com.mx/noticias/2023/02/05/sonora-difunden-carne-de-res-importada-desde-nicaragua/