Complaints from Canadian farmers about the poor performance of CETA for their beef exports to the EU
At the end of September, 5 years have passed since the approval and implementation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between the EU and Canada. Now, the Canadian cattle farmers integrated in the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA), complain that the North American country cannot take advantage of the European market due to the high demands. Thus, “although CETA created quotas for nearly 65,000 tons of duty-free access for Canadian beef, unresolved technical barriers have prevented CETA from realizing its full potential.”

Click here to read full note: https://eurocarne.com/noticias/codigo/56184/kw/Quejas+de+los+ganaderos+canadienses+de+la+mala+marcha+del+CETA+para+sus+exportaciones+de+carne+de+vacuno+hacia+la+UE
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