During 2022, Santa Fe’s exports grew by 6.9% and exceeded 19,000 million dollars
The Provincial Institute of Statistics and Censuses released the report on exports originating in the province of Santa Fe, from January to December 2022. Exports originating in the province of Santa Fe refer to exports of goods produced in the province. The data is presented by major items, items, products and countries of destination.
In this period, exports originating in the province of Santa Fe reached a value of US$ 19,158.6 million . They increased 6.9% compared to the same period of the previous year. Exported volumes, measured in tons, showed a 9.3% drop, while prices , expressed in dollars per ton, rose 17.9% in relation to January-December 2021. The amount of exports of Primary Products in the analyzed period was US$ 2,768.2 million, 17.6% more than in the same period of 2021. The quantities measured in tons increased 0.1%, accompanied by an increase in prices of 17.4%.

Click here to read full note: https://www.reconquistahoy.com/59028-durante-el-2022-las-exportaciones-de-santa-fe-crecieron-un-69-y-superaron-los-19000-millones-de-dolares