Fedegán demonstrates that there is speculative behavior in the sale of bovine meat
The cattle union argues, based on a work published by UPRA and statistics from the sector, that there is speculative behavior in the upper part of the chain and that it is necessary to deepen the cost analysis of the commercialization chain in the retail link, where another link is generated before reaching the consumer.
In a communication sent to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Cecilia López Montaño, the executive president of the Colombian Federation of Livestock Farmers (Fedegán), José Félix Lafaurie, collected the first results of a diagnosis ordered by this Portfolio to the Planning Unit Rural Agriculture – UPRA to know the reality of bovine meat prices.

Click here to read full note: https://www.contextoganadero.com/economia/fedegan-demuestra-que-hay-un-comportamiento-especulativo-en-la-venta-de-carne-bovina