Livestock farmers from the United States demand the immediate cessation of imports of Brazilian beef
Following the official confirmation last week of a positive BSE case in Braziland the fact that 35 days elapsed between the time the case was first identified on January 18, 2023, and the date it was confirmed on February 22, 2023, the NCBA says is an unacceptable delay. that clearly violates WOAH’s reporting requirements. “It is clear that Brazil is incapable of the rapid testing and reporting requirements that all nations must follow when engaging in international beef trade. Due to a repeated pattern of late notification.”
Click here to read full note: https://eurocarne.com/noticias/codigo/57599/kw/Ganaderos%20de%20Estados%20Unidosreclaman%C2%A0el%20cese%20inmediato%20de%20lasimportaciones%20de%20carne%20vacunabrasile%C3%B1a
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