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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 24

    Argentina managed to open the Serbian market

    Argentina opened the Serbian boneless beef market and added a new European destination for national production, after two health inspections of the Balkan country, reported this Saturday the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (Senasa). The decision was officially communicated to the president of Senasa, Diana Guillén , by the Veterinary Directorate of...

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  • 24

    The Government ratified the cutting of the res measure and warned that there will be sanctions for non-compliance

    Despite the request from refrigerators in the interior and also from suppliers and butchers to extend the entry into force of the process of cutting or quartering beef, the Ministry of Agriculture confirmed that there will be no extension and that as of November 1 Meat shipments from all slaughterhouses in...

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  • 20

    They release imports and impose standards

    The federal government published the list of products that will be duty – free as of today as part of the agreement to combat inflation , which may be freely imported in order to contain the high prices of the basic food basket .According to the decree, a Registry of Importers of Basic Basket Products must be created ,...

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    Agri-food export achieves record

    From January to August of this year, Mexico’s agri-food exports increased 15.5 percent annually, setting a record value and occupying second place among the main sources of foreign exchange. Information from Inegi, Banco de México and the Agrifood and Fisheries Information Service (SIAP) reveals that in the first eight months of 2022, the...

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    Global meat prices are in 2022, 7% more expensive than last year, reported the FAO

    Until September, the international prices of meat products were higher by 7.7% compared to the records corresponding to the same month of last year, taking into account pork, beef, chicken and sheep. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), despite this year-on-year increase, prices had a...

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    In 2023 beef exports would fall 1% and imports 2%, says USDA

    n 2023, world exports of beef will reach 12.1 million tons, 1% less than this year, and imports will fall 2%, according to the most recent report from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The outlook is for lower import demand, particularly for finer cuts, as the economic...

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  • 19

    Each year, up to 1 million cattle enter Mexico illegally from Central America; this traffic involves health risks

    Through the border with Guatemala, between 800,000 and 1 million cattle enter Mexico illegally every year , according to authorities, representatives of the agricultural sector and specialists. The entry of these animals, without going through sanitary controls, represents a risk both for the health of people and for Mexican livestock. The Secretary...

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  • 19

    In November comes the end of the half beef: What will the new marketing of meat be like

    The Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Nation and the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality (SENASA) reported that they are working to control and comply with regulations that seek to promote healthy working conditions for workers of the meat industry who are in charge of...

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  • 19

    New report highlights value of international beef trade

    A new trade report analyzing the effects of beef imports and exports highlights the strong economic value of the U.S. beef industry’s participation in a global marketplace. The report, “Assesing Economic Impacti That Would Follow -loss of Us Beef Exports and Imports,” was authored by Derrell Peel, Oklahoma State...

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  • 18

    Feeder cattle prices, auction market volumes see ‘significant jump’

    The fed cattle market has continued its contra-seasonal move through the third quarter. Typically, larger fed cattle numbers with more days on feed are met with consumers pulling back as fall schedules commence along with the additional expenses that accompanying all hit at once. The third quarter has seen...

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