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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 23

    Paraguayan meat producers hope that with the classification of carcasses they will be able to sell meat with higher added value

    Alba Pettengil is the coordinator of the technical team that has been in charge of organizing the classification and characterization of beef carcasses in Paraguay. In statements to the newspaper La Nación, she assures that currently the industrialists of this segment of the meat industry are waiting for a response...

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  • 23

    Number of heads of cattle and pigs in Brazil breaks record in 2021

    Rio de Janeiro, Sep 22 (EFE) .- The number of heads of cattle and pigs in Brazil, one of the world’s largest meat exporters, grew by 3% in 2021 compared to the previous year and broke a new record in the country The government reported this Thursday. The number...

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  • 23

    Exports Necessary to Continue Growing Market for U.S. Beef

    There was a time, not so long ago, when I didn’t really grasp the importance of beef exports on the entire beef industry here in the United States. Like some producers, I thought we should sell our beef here in the U.S. However, getting appointed to the Cattlemen’s Beef...

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  • 22

    The President and businessmen agreed to reinforce the Pacic

    The federal government intends to “work as a team” with the business sector of the food sector to reinforce the measures and avoid new price increases of the 24 basic products considered in the Package against Inflation and Famine (Pacic). With this objective, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador met...

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  • 22

    U.S. Export Values Growing and Food Prices Continue to Climb

    The value of all U.S. exports has grown at an average annual rate of 6% since 2002 and reached a record high of $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2021. The USDA says over that time, agriculture’s share of total U.S. exports has steadily increased. Between 2002 and 2021, the...

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  • 22

    Russia and Chile, main meat and dairy export destinations

    Exports in the livestock sector for the first semester presented different trends in the variables from month to month. According to the Colombian Federation of Livestock Farmers (Fedegan), despite the fact that there was no foreign trade in live cattle in July, shipments of livestock, meat and dairy products reached US$302...

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  • 22

    Egypt shows interest in buying beef for its ‘high quality’

    The Federation of Livestock Farmers of Santa Cruz (Fegasacruz) reported that in Egypt there is interest in importing Bolivian beef due to its quality and compliance with the requirements demanded in the international market. The Egyptian consul in Bolivia, Moamed Salah, made known his country’s interest in importing this...

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  • 21

    Brazil awaits approval of health requirements to receive Bolivian cattle

    The Senasag of Bolivia and MAPA of Brazil agreed to approve the sanitary requirements to export live bovine cattle, for reproduction, fattening and slaughter, from Bolivia to Brazil.  The executive director of the National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Service (Senasag), Javier Suárez, reported that he met with representatives...

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  • 21

    Beef Exports Climb

    U.S. Meat Export Federation President and CEO Dan Halstrom says that was made possible by growth in several key markets. Japan was up eight percent, China reported a 30% jump, and strong showings in other markets such as the Philippines as well as the Caribbean and Central America are...

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  • 19

    The end of the half carcass divides the meat sector: butchers oppose and exporting refrigerators support

    From the national government they admit that it is in a position to start from next November 1 with the provision of meat in pieces of less than 32 kilos from refrigerators to butchers and supermarkets. The measure will end the delivery to the retailer of the half carcass. A decision...

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