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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
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    Current scenario does not offer an improvement in cattle prices

    The president of the Paraguayan Chamber of Meat (CPC), Randy Ross, indicated that although the export volume has recovered, the current scenario does not offer an improvement in prices. He mentioned that the industrial sector is awaiting an improvement in the markets of Chile and Taiwan, which they hope will...

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    Demand for Australian meat strong in China

    Australian beef and sheepmeat will see continued demand in China despite the country’s slowing economy and COVID-related lockdowns impacting the consumption of meats, according to Rabobank research. click here to read full note:

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    Beef off the table in US households

     Consumers in the United States, pressured by strong inflation, have stopped buying expensive cuts of beef and exchanged them for cheaper chicken in supermarkets. Tyson, the meat processing giant, said on Monday that “demand for chicken is extremely strong.” While demand for its higher-priced cuts of beef has decreased by...

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  • 10

    USDA Releases Proposed Rule on Organic Livestock and Poultry

    The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has published in the Federal Register the proposed rule for organic cattle (cattle, pigs and sheep) and poultry (OLPS). With this publication, the USDA is proposing requirements for the living conditions, care, transportation, and slaughter of organic poultry and livestock. Click here to...

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  • 09

    South Korea opens duty-free quota for imported beef

    South Korea is currently the leading value market for U.S. beef exports, with shipments on pace to possibly reach $3 billion in 2022. But rising food prices are a concern in Korea, and the government is taking steps to ease the burden on consumers. As part of this effort,...

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  • 09

    Uruguay exports 12,500 Angus bellies to China to cross them with Wagyu and achieve Premium meat

    According to the portal, the southern country has now sent 12,500 live heifers of the Angus breed to cross them at destination with cattle of the Wagyu breed , and thus promote the production of premium meat. The shipment, which left Montevideo for the city of Waigang, was completed with...

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  • 09

    Cattle sales fall by 80 percent

    During May and June, the sale of live cattle that is sent to the Mexicali feedlots plummeted by 80%, due to the fact that the collectors of the neighboring state found saturated; Thus, of up to 5 cages per week that were released in previous months, at this time only...

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  • 09

    Meat exports: they entered more than US $ 1,700 million in the first semester

     Argentine beef exports, in the last semester, grew by 1.3 thousand tons if compared to the same period of the last two years. This means that the total value of the shipments was 1,765 million dollars , 40 percent higher than that of the first six months of 2021. Click here to read...

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  • 08

    Strong seasonal demand bodes well for cattle market

    The fed cattle market held up through the summer, with recent weeks trading between $174.18/cwt and $175.32/cwt. Strong seasonal demand heading into barbeque season as well as restaurant and food service beef movement recovering to pre-pandemic levels have supported prices. At mid-July, the fed steer average in Western Canada...

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  • 08

    Mexico ended the first half of the year with more than 300,000 t. of meat exported

    During the first six months of this year, Mexico placed 302,929 tons of beef, pork and chicken abroad, this represented an increase of 1.8% above what was registered in the same period of 2021. The Agricultural Markets Consulting Group (GCMA) reported that these shipments generated an economic spill that amounted to 1,744.1...

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