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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 08

    Brazil considers Mexico’s opening to its beef “historic”

    Brazil, the world’s largest exporter of beef, described Tuesday as “historic” the decision of the Government of Mexico to open its market to Brazilian beef, since the North American country imports about one million tons of the product per year. The opening was crowned on Monday with the publication of the...

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  • 07

    Mexico establishes requirements for the safe import of Brazilian beef

    The Government of Mexico announced this Monday sanitary requirements that open the door for the first time to the importation of beef from Brazil , while the Government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador seeks sources of food supply to combat high levels of inflation. “Based on the risk analyzes carried out by...

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  • 07

    “Mexico has to lose in corn”

    Faced with the dispute that it is facing with the United States over transgenic corn, which caused the US government yesterday to ask the Ministry of Economy to start formal consultations, Mexico has the odds to lose, warned the Agricultural Markets Consulting Group (GCMA) and the National Agricultural Council...

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  • 07

    Chinese market: packaged meats and BPG

    Miguel Ángel Lacouture Arévalo in his most recent opinion column states that Colombia, due to its geographical location, diverse thermal floors, cattle herd and extensive fertile lands, is a country with an agricultural vocation. For this reason, in recent years there has been a constant growth in livestock exports, live cattle...

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  • 06

    February beef exports rise, but remain low in historical terms

    There was a solid month-on-month and year-on-year rise in Australian beef exports during February, however volume remains well short of the five-year average for the month of 75,300t. As weekly national slaughter data has shown, processing activity has grown during February, to some of the largest weekly kills seen...

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  • 06

    Cattle slaughter barely grew in January but remains low compared to other years

    The slaughtering of bovine and buffalo cattle began with better dynamics in 2023 compared to last year, although the improvement is not much. According to the Livestock Slaughter Survey (ESG) of the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), in the first 31 days of the year, 260,694 head of cattle and 2,875...

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  • 06

    Due to extreme weather, they forecast a new wave of price hikes

    The high temperatures that are forecast for the coming weeks will push up the prices of farm products such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, corn, dairy products, eggs, chicken, beef and pork. The Laboratory of Commerce, Economy and Business (LACEN) assured that with this an increase in the cost of...

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  • 06

    USA barely uses 50% of the export quota of quality beef that it has authorized for the EU

    Throughout 2022, the United States managed to place 2,000 more t of high-quality beef within the quota that it has established and authorized to export to the EU. In total, it managed to export 13,438 t, which represented 53% of the 25,400 t that it has authorized. From the USDA...

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  • 03

    Positive signs for the Australian beef industry in 2023

    Rabobank reports that the recent removal of COVID restrictions in China opens opportunities for Australian exporters to tap into changes in Chinese beef consumption. In its Q1 Global Beef Quarterly, the bank says that China’s reopening will not only offer business opportunities for beef exporters, but also generate volatility in the...

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  • 03

    Livestock farmers from the United States demand the immediate cessation of imports of Brazilian beef

    Following the official confirmation last week of a positive BSE case in Braziland the fact that 35 days elapsed between the time the case was first identified on January 18, 2023, and the date it was confirmed on February 22, 2023, the NCBA says is an unacceptable delay. that clearly...

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