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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 08

    Australia will increase beef exports by 160 thousand tons in 2023

    Growth will slow in 2024 and 2025, rising 1.8% and 0.8% respectively to fully mature at 29.6 million head and then taper off in subsequent years, Meat & Livestock Australia said in its projections published this week. Record retention of females for 15 consecutive months, coupled with above-average weaning...

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  • 08

    Ranchers exceed export goal 2022

    With rigor and without pause, Colombian farmers are fulfilling their dreams of becoming a power exporter of protein provided by bovine livestock, always with the aim of reaching 1000 million dollars exported by 2032. In 2022 , the country received USD 523.6 million dollars for exports from the bovine livestock...

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  • 08

    Argentina’s beef exports grew by 9.5% in 2022

    Buenos Aires, Feb 7 (EFE).- Argentine beef exports amounted to 625,700 tons in 2022, an increase of 9.5% compared to 2021, as a result of the low base of comparison caused by the restrictions adopted that year by the Government in meat exports, industry sources reported on Tuesday. According...

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  • 07

    Mexico increases dependence on imported corn

    Mexico increased its dependence on foreign corn, by increasing the portion of imports in its consumption from 31% in 2016 to 39% in 2022, according to data from the Ministry of Finance and the Agricultural Markets Consulting Group (GCMA). Although the Mexican government has set itself the goal of...

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  • 07

    Taiwan: higher imports of Paraguayan meat are foreseen for this year

    Trade with the Republic of China (Taiwan) is going through a good moment, especially for one of the country’s star products, such as meat, since during the first month of this year 2023 it positioned itself as the third largest buyer of bovine protein. But this Asian market also...

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  • 07

    China-Australia Trade Ministers Hold 1st Meeting Since 2019

    Australian and Chinese trade ministers held their first bilateral meeting in three years Monday as Australia urges China to lift official and unofficial barriers that are costing exporters 20 billion Australian dollars (US$14 billion) a year. China has thawed its diplomatic freeze on Australia since Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s...

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  • 07

    Uruguay begins 2023 with a sharp decline in slaughter and the value of beef exports

    According to INAC data, in the first 4 weeks of 2023, the slaughter of cattle in the country has been reduced by 30.1%, amounting to 134,693 heads. The main production centers have been Frigorífico Las Piedras with 4,178 heads and Breeders & Packers Uruguay (BPU, now owned by Minerva...

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  • 07

    Algeria, the next market to be opened for Colombian meat

    Algeria is in desperate need of Colombian meat for the Ramadan season and that would speed up the export process, said Augusto Beltrán Segrera, technical secretary of the Stabilization Fund for the Promotion of the Export of meat, milk and its derivatives (FEP) . The idea is that this country could...

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  • 06

    January beef exports off to slow start, at 51,471t

    Australian beef exports are off to a slow start, with just 51,471 tonnes of chilled and frozen beef shipped for January, Department of Agriculture records show. Historically, January is the slowest month each year for overseas beef trade, as many large export processing plants are closed for the Christmas/New...

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  • 06

    The bovine census continues to decline in the United States

    According to the USDA, the US cattle census continues to decline and lower calf production is expected in the coming months due to drought in the main feed grain-producing areas. The bovine census on January 1, 2023 was 89.27 million animals, 3% less than in 2022. The 3% drop...

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