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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 08

    U.S. beef, pork products see higher export rates in October

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF), released findings yesterday detailing that both pork and beef are seeing higher export increases in the month of October. Pork exports came in just over 238,000 metric tons in October, which is up 5% from...

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  • 08

    World meat markets and industry trends under microscope

    The year 2022 has been nothing short of exciting for world markets at large.  We have witnessed the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, which took a great toll on our agricultural industry by affecting gas prices, feed and fertiliser costs, and an economic crisis in China, a country...

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  • 07

    US scrutinising tariff rates for beef imports

    THE United States is currently scrutinising tariff rates and quotas for beef imports – a move which could have trade implications for Australian beef longer-term if anything was to change. The US Foreign Agricultural Service has issued a report reviewing tariff rate quotas (TRQs) for US beef imports, noting...

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  • 07

    Reviving municipal slaughterhouses would “lower” meat prices

    The kilo of beef for frying is sold in chain supermarkets between 26,000 and 30,000 pesos. In order to reduce their prices, President Gustavo Petro proposed reviving the figure of municipal slaughterhouses, with which, he says, he would eliminate the oligopolies of the refrigerators that do not allow peasants to...

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  • 07

    Drought: 50% of the bovine stock is at risk and death of cattle has already been reported

    Livestock is going through a complex present and a critical quarter is expected. The report of the Drought Monitoring Table highlighted in November that 22 million hectares were affected by the drought. This panorama harmed a third of the national bovine stock . However, the Rosgan report highlighted that the situation became more critical....

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  • 06

    Global animal protein production expected to rise in 2023

    With modest growth projected for meat worldwide, Rabobank and Rabo AgriFinance shared their latest Global Animal Protein Outlook for 2023. In the analysis, the group stated that the industry would continue to face high costs in the supply chain along with much variability in consumption habits. However, global production should rise...

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  • 06

    Border states accounted for 57.54% of exports in the first quarter

    Although Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas stand out for manufacturing in the automotive and electronics sectors, Chihuahua is also characterized by the production and export of meat, grains, and food. Monterrey, NL. The states that had the greatest contribution to national exports were: Chihuahua , with 16.922 million dollars, which...

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  • 06

    Fed cattle market struggles, feeder exports seen slower

    The local fed market continues to struggle. The wide basis has started to encourage additional U.S. buyer interest, but large carcass weights and longer lift times are making it difficult to stay current. Steer carcass weights are at near-record levels, at 972 lbs. in mid-November, which compares to 946...

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  • 06

    Bovine slaughter fell 6% and the buffalo stagnated in October

    Bovine cattle slaughter in Colombia continued to drop in October compared to previous years, both in domestic consumption and in exports. This is still better than that of 2019 and 2020 but has decreased by almost 30% compared to 2021. On the other hand, the slaughter of buffaloes is stable...

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  • 01

    Greenpeace asks Mexico not to give in to imports of transgenic corn under pressure from the US

    The Greenpeace organization called on Mexico not to give in to United States senators who, within the framework of the T-MEC , have asked to reconsider the ban on imports  of transgenic corn from the presidential decree of December 31, 2020. According to the organization, the Secretary of the...

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