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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 01

    Canada’s interest in beef sparks satisfaction

    Technicians from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) together with authorities from the National Animal Health and Quality Service (Senacsa) began the audit for the inspection of Paraguayan meat, last Tuesday. The meeting was held virtually. The head of Senacsa, José Carlos Martin, in conversation with La Nación/Nación Media, specified that...

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  • 01

    The United States will be able to send more meat to Japan without the safeguard being activated

    The Japanese parliament approved the modification of the safeguard mechanism of the FTA signed with the United States so that it imports more bovine meat without paying higher tariffs. This modification was announced in March of this year to avoid what happened in March 2021, when the Japanese country restricted...

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  • 01

    Brazil exports remain concentrated in commodities

    Brazil’s integration into the global economy has grown in recent years, but exports are increasingly concentrated in commodities, and imports are dominated by industrial goods, according to the World Trade Organization (WTO) assessment of Brazilian trade policy. WTO periodically examines the country’s policies, focusing not only on trade flows....

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  • 30

    KDA participates in beef genetics trade mission to Mexico

    The Kansas Department of Agriculture partnered with the U.S. Livestock Genetics Export, Inc. along with the Idaho, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Tennessee departments of agriculture to participate in a trade mission to Mexico on Oct. 25 to 28. Participants of the trade mission were Kansas cattlemen Dirck Hoagland...

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  • 30

    To Mexico, a third of US yellow corn exports

    Mexico is the main buyer of yellow corn, most of it transgenic, from the United States, since it acquires around a third of the sales abroad of that country. Between November 4 and 10, the United States exported 1,169,000 tons, of which Mexico acquired 919,800. That nation exports 14...

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  • 30

    Sales of beef and chicken are expected to increase starting December 12

    The sale of beef, pork and chicken could increase by up to 60 percent during the holiday season, said merchants from the Hidalgo market in the municipality of Veracruz. They pointed out that it will be from December 12 when the commercialization of red and white meat begins to pick...

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  • 30

    Colombia expects the prices of animal protein to continue at high levels

    Good prospects for the prices of the different proteins of animal origin in Colombia, which according to a recent economic report by Bancolombia, the conclusions of which are included in the local specialized newspaper Contexto Ganadero on its website, will remain high. Click here to read full note:

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  • 29

    Mexico vs. Argentina beyond Qatar; two ranching countries, a newly approved trade, foot-and-mouth disease and health fears

    In a world fever , —and not precisely with respect to soccer—, where all the cattle-raising countries and competitors with respect to the production and trade of beef want, year after year, to have a significant place in the supply of this animal protein to At a global level, there are two key players ,...

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  • 29

    Japan agrees to beef safeguard for trade

    The Upper House of Japan’s Diet announced on Nov. 22 that it approved a new protocol that amended the recent agreement by the United States and Japan to increase the Beef Safeguard Trigger level under the US-Japan Trade Agreement (USJTA). With the approval, the USJTA would feature a new...

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  • 29

    The largest exporter of meat is Brazil

    In the first ten months of the year, Brazil led the beef exporter ranking in Mercosur, followed by Argentina , Uruguay and Paraguay. According to the Rosario Ganadero Market (Rosgan), the four countries together accumulated shipments of 2.83 million tons , which generated revenues of US $17,066 million and marked an interannual increase of 15.4% and 36%, respectively. Click...

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