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MexicanBeef® > NEWS
  • 24

    US Beef Exports to Japan

    The Upper House of Japan’s Diet, the country’s national legislature, has approved a new beef tariff agreement with the U.S. that is expected to boost U.S. beef exports to the country. The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office announced the Diet’s approval, called a “beef safeguard mechanism,” under the U.S.-Japan Trade...

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    Brazilian agriculture record sales; China main client, soy and beef leading exports

    Brazilian agribusiness exports reached a record of US$ 136.10 billion in the first ten months of 2022, which represents a 33.0% increase in value over the same period in 2021, according to the country’s official foreign trade office. China remained as the leading destination for Brazilian commodities, purchasing US$...

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    2022 will also be the year with the highest imports of beef

    Cut to the 3rd quarter of 2022, the cost of imports of beef and offal exceeds that of the annual totals of previous years except 2021. However, comparing the first 9 months of 2022 with those of that year, the value has up more than 44% and the volume,...

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    Agrifood forum starts in NL

    Specialists in the agricultural sector from 14 countries will address this Wednesday in the City the main challenges they face globally and will propose the best practices and actions that must be implemented at the Government and producer levels, all in the nineteenth edition of the Global Agri-Food Forum...

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    The value of Mexican livestock production rises by almost 20%

    During the first nine months of 2022, the Mexican livestock sector generated 18 million tons of animal protein, this taking into account pork, bovine, and poultry meat, as well as eggs for dishes and milk; the figure indicated a year-on-year growth of 2.4%. According to the Consulting Group of Agricultural Markets...

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    The war of the half beef continues: the small refrigerators assure that the new chopping will harm producers and consumers

    Faced with the debate opened by the chopping of the half beef of beef, after its second postponement ordered by the Government until January 15, 2023, the refrigerators in the interior of the country assured that the implementation of the system defended by the large exporting refrigerators, seeks “commercial,...

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    Shanghai’s foreign trade maintains steady growth

    Shanghai’s imports and exports in the first 10 months this year topped 3.46 trillion yuan (US$483.63 billion), amid measures supporting foreign trade enterprises in the city. With a 5.3 percent increase over the same period last year, the city’s foreign trade volume maintained the overall steady growth and accounted...

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  • 22

    Corner crisis to beef fattening

    Beef production in Mexico is in the red due to high operating costs, mainly in grains and calves, and low demand due to the high prices at which it is sold to the final consumer. Cattle feeders pointed out that the situation is so critical that cattle ranchers are...

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    Durango reports almost 90 thousand tons of beef

    From January to October of the current year, Durango registered a production of 98 thousand 705 tons of beef in carcass, according to the report of the Secretariat and Rural Development (Sader). Specifically, they were: 9,766 tons in January, 9,329 in February, 9,661 in March, 9,534 in April, 9,683...

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    US beef output dip offers export opportunity

    Australian cattle prices will fall heading into 2023, while US beef production will drop, providing beef export opportunities for Australian producers, according to Netherlands-based Rabobank. Favourable seasonal conditions are supporting herd rebuilding, although ample feed availability and higher cattle prices are seeing producers trade cattle rather than breeding them,...

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