Senasa extends prevention actions against Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the north of the country for two years
The National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa) extended for two years the actions for the prevention and surveillance of Foot-and-Mouth Disease in the departments located on the country’s northern border, which expired on December 31.
The decision, ordered by Resolution 28/2023 published today in the Official Gazette, was made due to the fact that “existing sanitary conditions are maintained ” when establishing these measures in October 2020, and that the measures taken since then achieved “a positive impact on vaccination coverage”.

Click here to read full note: https://www.revistachacra.com.ar/nota/49498-el-senasa-prorroga-por-dos-anos-acciones-de-prevencion-contra-la-fiebre-aftosa-en-el-norte-del-pais/
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