Specialists in livestock issues analyzed the impact that the easing of beef exports announced days ago by the Government will have
In recent weeks, a relaxation in beef exports has been announced, which are restricted until December 31 of next year due to the ban on exporting the 7 most consumed cuts in the domestic market, including roast, matambre and empty. The Ministry of Agriculture decided to increase the exportable volume of meat by 15% or 4,500 tons of product-weight per month, after the incessant claims of the agricultural and meatpacking leadership.

Click here to read full note: https://www.infobae.com/economia/campo/2022/09/19/si-se-mantiene-el-aumento-del-15-en-las-exportaciones-de-carne-hasta-fin-de-ano-podrian-ingresar-usd-100-millones-mas/
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