U.S. Pork and Beef Exports at a Glance, Recent USDA Reports
In its monthly Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report this week, USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) indicated that, “Although fourth-quarter pork exports had a solid finish—shipments of almost 1.7 billion pounds were about 1.6 percent higher than a year earlier, mostly on the strength of year-over-year larger shipments to Mexico and China—total U.S. exports ended 2022 at 6.3 billion pounds, about 10 percent below volumes in 2021.”

Click here to read full note: https://farmpolicynews.illinois.edu/2023/02/u-s-pork-and-beef-exports-at-a-glance-recent-usda-reports/
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