USA barely uses 50% of the export quota of quality beef that it has authorized for the EU
Throughout 2022, the United States managed to place 2,000 more t of high-quality beef within the quota that it has established and authorized to export to the EU. In total, it managed to export 13,438 t, which represented 53% of the 25,400 t that it has authorized. From the USDA they estimate that the increase in sales of this category has been due to the reopening of the restoration in the EU after the covid-19 pandemic.

Click here to read full note: https://eurocarne.com/noticias/codigo/57616/kw/EE.UU.+apenas+utiliza+el+50%25+de+la+cuota+de%0Aexportaci%C3%B3n+de+carne+de+vacuno+de+calidad+que+tiene%0Aautorizada+para+la+UE
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